7 Signs She Regrets Sleeping With You

You’ve been lucky enough to score with a beautiful woman, but lately, something doesn’t feel right. You can sense that she may be regretting the hookup, but you don’t want to just assume. You tend to lose sleep thinking about why she’s acting this way, and you need to know if your suspicions are correct.

But if things were going so well, what changed? Here are seven signs she may be regretting sleeping with you.

7. She becomes less responsive or ghosts you entirely

What used to be hours upon hours of conversation suddenly turns into radio silence. It’s as if she’s disappeared off the face of the earth, and there’s no explanation for it. She might come out of hiding to send an occasional one-line text but vanishes again without warning.

Sorry, but you’re in for a rude awakening. If you suddenly find yourself getting ghosted, it’s time to face the music. This is a sure sign she regrets sleeping with you and doesn’t want to be involved anymore. Whatever her reason is, this is surely a sign that she no longer wants anything to do with you after your physical encounter in the bedroom.

6. She’s suddenly too busy to meet

“You up for coffee this weekend?” You ask, but you get a simple “No, sorry. Too busy.” response. You try to reschedule for the following week, but you get the same response. It’s as if she’s avoiding you at all costs and making excuses not to meet.

It’s strange because she used to be the one suggesting dates at all hours of the day and night. But now? Nothing.

She may be genuinely too busy for a meetup, but if it just seems out of character, she may be regretting hooking up with you. She’s likely trying to avoid any awkward conversations or physical contact, so if it leads to her dodging your invitations for a meetup, pay attention. This might answer your question.

5. You’ve been unfollowed on social media / Tinder

Maybe you haven’t even noticed, but she’s unfollowed you on social media or unmatched you on Tinder. It could be because she’s trying to move on from the night in question, or maybe it’s just a way for her to keep tabs on your activity without having to engage with you directly.

Either way, if you used to see each other’s posts and updates frequently and now you’re no longer in her social media circle, this is one of the obvious signs she may regret sleeping with you. Most guys don’t get unfollowed so soon after a hookup, so take this as an example of one of the telltale signs she’s no longer interested.

4. Short replies

Short replies, in general, are a common sign someone’s avoiding you, but if she happens to be acting this way coincidentally after your encounter, you don’t need an expert on relationship advice to tell you that you’re not the right guy for her.

If her responses are becoming shorter and less frequent, it means she has little interest in having any type of meaningful conversations with you anymore. She may be trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible, and that’s a clear sign she regrets sleeping with you.

3. She never initiates conversations

Do you find yourself always initiating conversations with her? If you do, and she never responds with the same enthusiasm, bad luck, buddy. If she’s not interested in having conversations with you anymore, or if she avoids any topics that may lead to an argument, it’s a surefire sign that she regrets sleeping with you.

There could be several reasons she’s changed her behavior. One of them could be that she’s trying to move on from the situation, or maybe it’s her way of telling you she wants nothing more than to forget what happened between the two of you. Yeah, it sucks that she won’t answer a booty call anymore, but it’s better to accept the truth rather than live in denial.

2. She always has an excuse to not hang out

Circling back to number six on our list, it’s never a good sign when she doesn’t want to spend time with you in the same way she used to. She may have come up with a few excuses here and there, but if they’re always valid, it could be that she’s using them to avoid any potential physical contact between the two of you.

It could be something like “I have too much work to do” or “I’m really busy”, and while these may seem like valid excuses if it happens frequently and goes on for a while, she’s slowly fading away from your life. At least she’s doing it in a not-so-confrontational way, right?

1. She tells you directly that she is not interested

This one might sound harsh right off the bat, but it’s better to know the truth than to be stuck in a state of confusion. If she’s telling you directly that she’s not interested, what more signs do you need? Whether it’s, “I don’t see myself in a serious relationship” or “I feel guilty about what happened between us”, she has the right to choose how she wants to proceed and you need to accept that.

At the end of the day, you deserve someone who respects your decision and respects you as a person. If she’s not giving you either, it may be time for you to move on and find a woman who is on the same page as you.

If she’s given you any of these signs, it may mean that she regrets sleeping with you. Remember to be gentle if the situation is difficult for her and respect her boundaries. Take it like a champ and don’t take things too personally. Even if the night in question was a mistake, it doesn’t mean that you can’t still be friends and go on a few dates later on.

Acknowledging her feelings is the best thing you can do. Don’t pressure her or make her feel guilty for something she regrets, and instead focus on moving on with grace. This won’t be the end of your sex life. Best of luck!

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Written by Katie Thompson

Katie is a dating expert with a PhD in Counseling and Psychology from the London Metropolitan University. Currently writing content related to dating, relationships, and casual encounters.